Horns Pond Ridge Runner Pack Out

The ridge-runner season is coming to a close, and we need to pack out all of the seasonal gear. It’s a 5-mile hike up with 2,000 feet of elevation gain, and then 5-mile return. Please bring a backpack with space in it to bring some items down. Meet at the Stratton Brook Pond trailhead at 8am. Contact the organization for more information.

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Ridge Runner

Gulf Hagas Ridgerunner Packout

Our summer ridge-runner is packing up their “home” for the season, and we need some help getting out supplies and equipment. Volunteers should meet at the Katahdin Iron Works gatehouse at 8:30 or the Gulf Hagas parking lot at 9:00.

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Joint Ridgerunner Training at BSP

Ridgerunners from both Maine Appalachian Trail Club and Appalachian Trail Conservancy, along with staff from the A.T. Visitor Center, in Monson, spent time at Baxter State Park with Park staff as part of their training. This strengthened ties and communication between the three organizations as they work together this season to educate hikers on the Trail and troubleshoot challenges.

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