Support the mission of MATC to maintain and manage 267 miles of the
Appalachian Trail in Maine.

MATC Thanks the following
sponsors for their generous support!

Why Support MATC?
- The Maine Appalachian Trail Club (MATC) established in 1935, is a volunteer managed nonprofit organization responsible for the management, maintenance and protection of the Appalachian Trail (AT) in Maine. MATC ‘s responsibilities include the design, construction and maintenance of 267 miles of the AT footpath, over 60-miles of related side trails, 43 campsites, and the monitoring the AT corridor National Park Service lands (34,000 acres) all supported by volunteers.
- The AT in Maine, which charges no fees, is the largest network of hiking trails in the state, hikers spend over 92,000 days recreating on the trail each year. Maine residents and families, visitors from around the nation and foreign countries, college and youth groups, and long- distance backpackers enjoy this resource. The Maine Appalachian Trail Club provides opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to camp, hike and also to participate in the stewardship of public lands. MATC volunteers donate more than 25,000 hours annually.
- Traversing the state’s highest peaks and scenic vistas, the Maine section of the Appalachian Trail is considered by most AT thru hikers to be the premier wilderness experience on the trail. That experience is threatened today by expanding development of Maine’s unorganized territories, new and expanding power line corridors, as well as wind and solar developments in the AT view-shed. The MATC works with developers and state agencies to reduce the impact of these threats to the AT and its view-shed. Funding for MATC is through grants and donations from members and other organizations.

MATC Reach
- MATC has over 700 annual members
- The MAINEtainer Newsletter has a quarterly reach of more than 570 people
- MATC Facebook Page has an average monthly reach of over 4,000
- MATC website has 3,000 views a month
Learn More About Being a Sponsor
Contact Us at:
Maine Appalachian Trail Club
PO Box 7564
Portland, ME 04112
EMAIL: sponsorship@matc.org
Phone: 207-518-1779