Off Trail Support
There are many opportunities to volunteer with MATC that do not involve wielding a chainsaw, wrestling with rocks, or getting eaten alive by black flies. From serving one or more of our many committees, to working at home collecting data, writing articles for the newsletter, website or Facebook, or helping with data collection.
Click the button at the bottom of the page and tell us about yourself and your interest. We can certainly find a way to use your skills and enthusiasm to help with maintaining the Appalachian Trail in Maine. Thanks!
Serve on a Committee
MATC is always looking for committed volunteers to help on our various committees
- Executive Committee (three year term)- consists of the elected officers, overseers, and directors of the club. Meets about six times a year, and conducts the business of the club between annual membership meetings.
- Trail Center Committee– oversees the construction and operation of the Skowhegan Trail Crew Center
- Campsite Committee– conducts inventory, assessments, and plans for construction or repair of lean-tos, campsites, and privies. Oversees campsite maintainers
- Caretaker and Ridgerunner Education (CARE) Committee– provides ridge runners at high use areas to provide Leave No Trace (LNT) and other hiker education
- Membership Committee– maintains club membership and mailing address database; recruit, orient, and retain new members
- Marketing Committee– grows the club membership and volunteer base; raise awareness of MATC; provide incentive for membership renewal
- Communications Committee– publishes and updates materials to keep members and trail users informed; includes the MAINEtainer newsletter, website, social media, public inquiries
- Guidebook Committee– produce the Guide to the AT in Maine
- Fundraising Committee– maintains a list of prospective donors and conducts fundraising appeals; pursues other funding sources
- Finance Committee– develops and oversees annual budget; provide financial reports and address trends
- Trail Crew Committee– provides planning, oversight and evaluation for MATC’s Maine Trail Crew
- Agency Relations Committee-works with land management partners on whose lands the AT crosses
- Training and Education Committee– develops a program for improvement of trail maintenance skills and knowledge; coordinate chainsaw certification program and First Aid/CPR certification opportunities
- Landscape Protection Committee-addresses potential impacts from external influences to the trail
- Governance Committee– provides nominations for Executive Committee ballots; develop EC orientation and evaluation systems; develops and proposes policy, constitutional, and by-law changes; oversees club employees.
Interested in serving on a committee?
Contact MATC Vice President – vp@matc.org
Other Non-Field Volunteer Opportunities
- Sign Making
- Register Box Monitoring
- Data Entry for Register Box Cards
- Photography for articles or documentation
- Liaison to Maine Trails Advisory or other groups
- Attend Biennial Conference of the ATC
- Testify at municipal/State hearings behalf of the club
- Write articles for the MAINEtainer Club Newsletter
- Help with Grant Writing
- Publicity for the Club
- Conduct Group Outreach
- Attend Annual Conference of the ATC New England Regional Management Committee
- Provide educational outreach to schools and community
- Friends of the AT
- Partner lands, Trail Center
- Help plan and carry out special events
- Contribute to the MATC Website and Social Media
- Computer and Database support
- …and your suggestions!
Current Off-Trail Support Vacancies