by Tom Gorrill
Do you know someone who has done an extraordinary job for the MATC last year? Went way above and beyond what was expected?
Please keep that person in mind….and nominate them for the Walter Greene award that is presented at the Spring Meeting.
The Walter D. Greene Award is presented at the Annual meeting to recognize extraordinary effort or achievement by a member of the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. This award is not to take the place of periodic informal recognition that all MATC volunteers should receive; i.e. a ‘thank you’ for a job well done. Nor is the award intended to recognize length of service or long hours (there is an existing ATC program for that purpose).

Please submit names of MATC members who have exceeded expectations of their assigned duties in 2021 to recognize one-time or recurring work, for example:
- Writing a funding grant, or
- Making an effective presentation, or
- Going the ‘extra mile’ at an event, or
- Helping with an emergency trail location, or
- Working on trail-related legislation, or
- Spending time with the Maine Trail Crew, or
- Accomplishing trail maintenance/repair beyond expectations.
We will be asking for these names to be presented to the Governance Committee by March 4th, 2021. The committee will then pick the award winner from those nominations.
Please submit nominees to me at