Work Trips Calendar
Join MATC members in “old fashion work trips” that could involve anything from building lean-tos and privies, to relocating trail sections, to painting blazes, to helping with corridor monitoring, to helping with Spring Clean-up on the AT.
Privy Pre-Build
Come help with some construction fun! You can help build, organize lumber, or package materials. We will be pre-building 3 privies in Palmyra- come for one day or both! These privies will be built on-site later this season to replace the existing privies at Baldpate, Hall Mountain, and Rainbow Stream campsites.
Maine Trail Crew
The Maine Trail Crew will be working on the trail section from the West Branch Piscataquis River to Marble Brook. Volunteers are invited to help with this project! The crew will car camp near the work site and walk to the project area each day; there is minimal elevation gain from the camp site to the work site. For more information: coordinator@matc.org
Maine Trail Crew
The Maine Trail Crew will be working on the trail section from the West Branch Piscataquis River to Marble Brook. Volunteers are invited to help with this project! The crew will car camp near the work site and walk to the project area each day; there is minimal elevation gain from the camp site to the work site. For more information: coordinator@matc.org
Maine Trail Crew
The Maine Trail Crew will be working on the trail section from the West Branch Piscataquis River to Marble Brook. Volunteers are invited to help with this project! The crew will car camp near the work site and walk to the project area each day; there is minimal elevation gain from the camp site to the work site. For more information: coordinator@matc.org