Cranberry Stream Privy Build

Bigelow District

We're building a new privy at Cranberry Stream campsite, and need your help! All of the materials should be there (hauled in by Colby College, thankfully!) so this is the date to build the structure. It's about a 0.9 mile walk with 220 feet of elevation gain to the campsite. Those of you involved in past projects can attest to the camaraderie, satisfaction, and good fun with these projects!

Horns Pond Ridge Runner Pack Out

Bigelow District

The ridge-runner season is coming to a close, and we need to pack out all of the seasonal gear. It's a 5-mile hike up with 2,000 feet of elevation gain, and then 5-mile return. Please bring a backpack with space in it to bring some items down. Meet at the Stratton Brook Pond trailhead at 8am. Contact the organization for more information.

Horns Pond Ridge Runner Pack In

Bigelow District

Come help us pack supplies in for the Bigelow ridgerunner for the 2024 season! It's a ~5.0 mile one-way hike with about 2,000 feet of elevation gain.