MATC Annual Meeting
Schair-Swenson-Watson Alumni Center Mayflower Hill Dr., Waterville, ME, United StatesSave the Date
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Volunteer Opportunity – Help Set Up the Trail Crew! What: MATC is seeking volunteers to assist in moving our Trail Crew into the new Maine Trail Center. Tasks include transporting stored gear from Lake George Regional Park, organizing supplies, cleaning and setting up the space. Many hands make light work—join us for a few hours or the entire day! When: Saturday, April 26, from 9 AM to 3 PM (Rain date: Sunday, April 27) Where: Maine Trail Center, Skowhegan What to Bring: Work gloves Water bottle Bag lunch Weather-appropriate outdoor clothing RSVP: Email Holly Sheehan at Driving Directions to the New Maine Trail Center […]
The MATC Executive Committee meets on the first Friday of every odd-numbered month, except there is no meeting in July. This meeting will be held via Zoom web conferencing. Please contact the Vice President for more information.
Come help with some construction fun! You can help build, organize lumber, or package materials. We will be pre-building 3 privies in Palmyra- come for one day or both! These privies will be built on-site later this season to replace the existing privies at Baldpate, Hall Mountain, and Rainbow Stream campsites.
The Rainbow Stream campsite is getting a new privy, and we need your help! On May 31 - June 1 we'll need all the shoulders we can get to haul the lumber and materials to the campsite. We'll also do the site prep which will involve felling some trees and digging to get a flat surface. Access involves about 1.1 miles of hiking with negligible elevation gain (it's basically flat!). The group will car camp nearby.
The Rainbow Stream campsite is getting a new privy, and we need your help! On June 7-8 (rain dates June 14-15) we'll build the new privy. If needed, we'll also haul in any lumber we didn't get to the site the weekend prior. Access involves about 1.1 miles of hiking with negligible elevation gain (it's basically flat!). The group will car camp nearby.
The Baldpate campsite is getting a new privy, and we need your help! On June 21 (rain date June 22) we'll do the site prep which will involve felling some trees and digging to get a flat surface. Access involves about 2.4 miles of hiking with 1,500 feet elevation gain.
The Hall Mountain campsite is getting a new privy, and we need your help! On July 19 (rain date July 20) we'll do the site prep which will involve felling some trees and digging to get a flat surface. Access involves about 2.5 miles of hiking with 1,700 feet elevation gain.
The Maine Trail Crew will be working on the trail section from the West Branch Piscataquis River to Marble Brook. Volunteers are invited to help with this project! The crew will car camp near the work site and walk to the project area each day; there is minimal elevation gain from the camp site to the work site. For more information:
The Maine Trail Crew will be working on the trail section from the West Branch Piscataquis River to Marble Brook. Volunteers are invited to help with this project! The crew will car camp near the work site and walk to the project area each day; there is minimal elevation gain from the camp site to the work site. For more information:
The Maine Trail Crew will be working on the trail section from the West Branch Piscataquis River to Marble Brook. Volunteers are invited to help with this project! The crew will car camp near the work site and walk to the project area each day; there is minimal elevation gain from the camp site to the work site. For more information:
We're building new privies at the Baldpate and Hall Mountain campsites this summer, and need your help! The plan is for the materials to be helicoptered to these sites on one day in early August; we'll build them after that. Access to either campsite involves about 2.5 of miles of hiking with ~1,700 feet of elevation gain. Please join us! Those of you involved in past projects can attest to the camaraderie, satisfaction, and good fun with these projects!
We're building new privies at the Baldpate and Hall Mountain campsites this summer, and need your help! The plan is for the materials to be helicoptered to these sites on one day in early August; we'll build them after that. Access to either campsite involves about 2.5 of miles of hiking with ~1,700 feet of elevation gain. Please join us! Those of you involved in past projects can attest to the camaraderie, satisfaction, and good fun with these projects!
We're building new privies at the Baldpate and Hall Mountain campsites this summer, and need your help! The plan is for the materials to be helicoptered to these sites on one day in early August; we'll build them after that. Access to either campsite involves about 2.5 of miles of hiking with ~1,700 feet of elevation gain. Please join us! Those of you involved in past projects can attest to the camaraderie, satisfaction, and good fun with these projects!