Manager of Lands
Trail Champions Honorary Committee Chair
Hampden, ME
Dave has 65 years of volunteer Trail maintenance experience on the Appalachian Trail. He has served on the Executive Committee of the Maine Appalachian Trail Club for 54 years, including 10 years as President. He served on the Appalachian Trail Conference Board of Managers for 26 years, including six as Board Chair. From 1970-1990, MATC relocated more than 170 miles of the Appalachian Trail to place it in more scenic and protected locations. Dave designed, laid out and led the work crews to build about 115 miles of those relocations. In 1984 he designed the original corridor to be purchased by the National Park Service to protect the A.T. in Maine. He is an honorary life member of both the MATC and the ATC, and was inducted, in 2013, into the Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame. Dave holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Forestry from the University of Maine and a PhD from Purdue University. He taught forestry at Purdue, Yale University, and the University of Maine, where he retired in 2006 after 30 years on the faculty.