Airlift of Materials in the Barren-Chairback Range

August 6-11, 2024 One day during this period, the Maine Appalachian Trail Club (MATC) will be working with a helicopter contractor to airlift 12,000 pounds of lumber and tools to the Cloud Pond Campsite, Chairback Gap Campsite, and Fourth Mountain bog. Materials will be used to build new privies at the campsite, and install new bog bridging through the bog.  The date will be the first good weather day during the period August 6-11. The activity will last about 1 hour at each location.  Several volunteers will be at the campsites and bog assisting with the effort. Please heed any […]

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“On the Trail”

“On the Trail”Maine’s Appalachian Trail Sample three different sections of the famed Appalachian Trail as it winds through the Maine wilderness, with a look at some other fun activities to pursue along the way. This special episode stops in Carrabassett Valley for an overnight stay at the Horns Pond shelter in the Bigelow Range, followed by some mountain biking at Sugarloaf Mountain and kayaking on Flagstaff Lake. Next is a day hike to Pierce Pond in the Kennebec Valley Region, along with a whitewater rafting trip on the Kennebec River and an ATV ride at Northern Outdoors Lodge in The […]

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MATC on “Borealis”

MATC President Tom Gorrill is interviewed in Episode 2 of Borealis! You can watch it on Maine Public’s YouTube channel. Borealis is a new multi-media outdoors series hosted by Aislinn Sarnacki and produced by Maine Public highlighting. This episode also features Native Nyle “River” Sockbeson who thru hiked the AT this summer to inspire Wabanaki youth and raise awareness to indigenous lands and cultures along the Trail.

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Hurricane Lee and Potential Impacts to Maine

Alert – Hurricane Lee 9/14/23 Update: The National Hurricane Center is predicting winds and rain from Hurricane Lee will impact Maine Friday evening (9/15) through Saturday night. The predicted track could change, so hikers should continue to monitor the forecast.  Stream flows are already challenging due to significant rain on Tuesday and Wednesday. As of 11:30 AM on 9/14, the USGS gage on the Piscataquis River in Blanchard was at 644 cfs, more than three times the flow at which we expect stream crossings to become challenging. The National Weather Service is predicting significant additional rain on Saturday. The rain will […]

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Work on Stratton Brook Pond Road

A contractor for the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands will be working on the Stratton Brook Pond Road (popular access to the west side of the Bigelows) around the third week of September (mostly on weekdays). They will be brushing out the sides of the road and then pulling the wood to spots along the road where it can be chipped, and trucked out. This road is narrow and the construction equipment is large so some closure of the road and parking areas may occur during this time. Persons looking to hike the AT or Fire Warden’s trail are […]

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Frye Notch Privy

On August 12th, the Maine Appalachian Trail Club (MATC) will be airlifting lumber and tools to the Frye Notch campsite to build a new privy (NOBO mile 1,936.8). Several MATC volunteers will be at the Frye Notch campsite assisting with the effort. Hikers should follow all instructions from volunteers and stay out of the immediate transport zone. For questions or for more information, contact or 207-215-5306.

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MATC Annual Meeting

Please join us at the Annual Meeting, held in person for the first time since 2019. Saturday, April 22, 2023, 9 am – 4 pm Schair-Swenson-Watson Alumni Center, Colby College, Waterville, ME (Directions) Hear what’s going on in the club. Get ready for a successful season. Highlights include:  Barry Dana Barry Dana is a teacher, artist, and former chief of the Penobscot Nation. He grew up on Indian Island in the Penobscot River, where he learned traditional skills and values from tribal elders. Barry creates traditional styles of birchbark baskets, many etched with artwork or quill decoration. Credited with reviving the […]

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Maine Lobster Now Sponsors MATC

MATC is happy to announce that Maine Lobster Now is now a sponsor! Maine Lobster Now’s mission is to provide customers throughout the United States with access to fresh seafood. Located in Southern Maine, they are dedicated to establishing lasting relationships with local fishermen in an effort to support the local economy and to continue offering the best products available.

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MATC Ridge Runner Program

Submitted by Janice Clain The MATC Ridgerunners are in the field, monitoring high traffic and sensitive eco-systems at three strategic locations along the AT. Returning this season to Gulf Hagas is Robyn Crisp, an avid long-distance hiker who calls Colorado home. She started her season at the northern end of the Hundred Mile Wilderness, ready to meet southbound thru hikers to give them advice about safety, packing and enjoying and protecting the wilderness. She moved to Gulf Hagas in late June, and spends her duty time there interacting with AT thru hikers passing north and south, section hikers knocking off […]

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