Please be aware that the following sign will be posted at Maine AT trailheads in the coming days.
Read MoreJune 16, 2020 Update on A.T. Closures and Conditions
From Appalachian Trail Conservancy Bulletin 6/16/2020 With more states relaxing stay-at-home restrictions and more sections of the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) reopening, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) is due for a check-in with the hiking community and wanted to provide the latest status update for the A.T. As of today, all but 5.2 miles of the A.T. have re-opened, leaving only the northernmost A.T. miles on Katahdin closed (which is expected to open July 1). In our previous email, we listed three criteria any one of which, if met, would cause the ATC to re-evaluate its guidance. We are close to meeting one […]
Read MoreVolunteer Opportunities Cancelled Summer 2020
Covid-19 (commonly referred to “coronavirus”) is a highly contagious respiratory virus has been diagnosed in all of the states along the Appalachian Trail, including Maine. Due to the high risk of spreading this illness in group settings the Maine Appalachian Trail Club has made the tough decision to discontinue the Maine Trail Crew, in 2020, to keep our staff and volunteers safe. We are concerned about the risk of spreading the virus when crew members travel together in vans, share housing, food, tools and privies. This is disappointing for MATC as an organization and for our many dedicated volunteers. Thank you for understanding. Please consider volunteering […]
Read MoreSupport MATC with Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile Program Did you know we are part of the AmazonSmile Program? To support us there, visit this page and select “Maine Appalachian Trail Club Inc” as the charitable organization. AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
Read MoreMaine Trail Crew Closure for 2020
Covid-19 (commonly referred to “coronavirus”) is a highly contagious respiratory virus has been diagnosed in all of the states along the Appalachian Trail, including Maine. Due to the high risk of spreading this illness in group settings the Maine Appalachian Trail Club has made the tough decision to discontinue the Maine Trail Crew, in 2020, to keep our staff and volunteers safe. We are concerned about the risk of spreading the virus when crew members travel together in vans, share housing, food, tools and privies. This is disappointing for MATC as an organization and for our many dedicated volunteers. Thank you for understanding. Please consider […]
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